Hey there! Today I actually used the right image for the link up! As usual, I am linking up with 1, 2, 3, awesome bloggers
Friday favourites must be my very favourite post! I was sick yesterday, so I apologize for my flakiness this week. I have a few wonderful things to share this week!
This tea is from a local artisan from a sweet little shop in Oakville (Dove and Arrow) that carries all sorts of locally sourced items. I was so amped when they started selling tea and I am a huge fan of chai tea, so I was all over this. It is truly one of the most wonderful chai blends I've had lately. It has a really great deep flavour (but you need to steep it for the full five minutes -- sometimes I even go for 7 because I like a strong chai) and tastes exactly like Fall. Does that sound weird? When I think of chai tea, I imagine wearing a long pea coat, a light scarf, maybe some nice ankle booties and having the wind whip my hair around. Fall, amiright?! So I am all about chai because I have been ready for Fall since July. Don't hate summer lovers - y'all know Fall is really the best.
Two: My CSA produce this week
Friends, I forgot to take a picture. For the first time ever. Sick, remember?
So I'll tell you what was in it.
Carrots, cucumber, kale, spring mix, garlic, patty pan squash, green pepper, purple peppers (!!), pears and red grapes. We also included eggs because we have lost our latest egg person. Sadness.
So just imagine a beautiful abundance of vegetables here. I'll try to remember to take a purple pepper photo because they are something I've never seen before!
Three: My doTERRA diffuser
Photo from here
Honestly friends, this is one of my favourite purchases in a long while. I just love using the diffuser! I use lavender at night to sleep, and yesterday while I was recovering and trying to relax, I used Frankincense and it did the trick. I love the frankincense scent so much -- I think it's one of those love/hate things, like cilantro. Anyways, the diffuser and the oils are just making me all sorts of happy. I've been using the lemon in my water (as I've learned it's all of the benefits with none of the enamel-ruining components). I've got a miles long wish list, so expect many essential oils to pop up here on Fridays!

Photo from here
I've linked to lulufanatics for this wrap because it is no longer available, but I just love this sweater. It's warm, oh so comfortable and you can wear it in two different ways. I personally always wear it as the long version.
I've linked to lulufanatics for this wrap because it is no longer available, but I just love this sweater. It's warm, oh so comfortable and you can wear it in two different ways. I personally always wear it as the long version.
It also has a gap at the back that is lovely and flattering. When lulu decided to do merino wool, they knew what they were doing! So while this sweater isn't available, tis the season for them to start adding in warmer pieces. I'll keep an eye on that!
This. Right here.
Life is frustrating, confusing, tiring, hard and sometimes sad. It's also beautiful,, exciting, surprising and abundant in it's joy. Sometimes we just need to remember to love life and be grateful for what we have.
My gratitude journal reminds me to be grateful for all of the little things in life that we take for granted. Even if it's just the smell of fall in the air, a summer breeze, a relaxing bath at the end of a long day, or even just a cup of tea when you really need one. It's so easy to complain, feel like the cards are never in your favour, or feel like bad things just keep happening -- I would know. I used to operate that way. But something as simple as taking a few minutes each day to remember the little things that made a difference, changes you in a very profound way. When I'm having a bad day now, I try to think of all of the good things about that day. Yesterday, when I was resting in a hugely uncomfortable hospital chair with an IV sticking out of my arm, I reminded myself that I should be grateful for free health care, medical professionals who were dedicated to taking care of so many patients day in and day out and that my sweet husband who had been awake for basically 26 hours by the time we went home didn't complain once. It would have been too easy to succumb to the "this sucks. I want to go home" etc etc, and I did for a little while. But then I reminded myself that those thoughts weren't doing me any favours. It made it infinitely easier to deal with.
Happy Friday, friends! Have the very best weekend!
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