Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Painting, running and crockpots

 Well, yesterday was a whirlwind of a day, as all my days seem to be lately. I painted the bathroom after work. A task I assumed would be easy but oh gosh was it ever not. This is why I have always hired painters and will continue to. I am not cut out for that work! Now I have to repaint parts of the ceiling and baseboards where the painters tape either ripped off the paint (isn't that what it's supposed to prevent?) or failed me. Good times. The good news is that the bathroom looks way better now. The colour we had looked terrible with our new shower (bad planning on our part) and this new colour brings everything together nicely. I found a cute little roller that reaches behind the toilet which I ended up using for the entire room because it worked so nicely. Dollar store for the win!
We are also meeting with a realtor this week (thank goodness I was able to convince husband that his working full time, starting a side business AND doing comfree for our home was taking on a bit much). Things are finally happening!! I can't wait to get out of there and into a house. I'm so tired of living in a condo. It was nice initially just to own a home, but it sucks having someone determine when you can rip up your floor, when you can receive deliveries, how loud you can be (and when you can be loud), how many pets you can have, what pets you can/can't have, the colour of your curtains... It drives me mad. The day after we got possession, we went in and tore up the carpets (because they were disgusting and soaked with cat pee -- wish I was kidding) -- the following day we were threatened with a lawsuit for not asking permission. Granted, that property manager was a bit of a dictator but seriously. He broke a bunch of his own rules by entering our unit without permission and leaving a threatening note on our wall. So we have mostly asked for permission since then to avoid the drama.

Ah the moving debacle continues!
On the up side, my zoo race is coming up this weekend and I think I feel ready. I went for an 8k run after work on Monday and aside from some knee tightness around 7k, it felt good. My speed increased km by km, which I've missed lately and by the end I wasn't breathless or exhausted. I was tired, but that's normal. It was a good feeling. The run didn't feel as long as I expected it would. You know how sometimes you're just thinking - "Am I really only at 2k?". I did an out and back route and it felt like I was turning around before I was even nearing tired-ness. I'm probably going to try and squeeze a shorter run in on Thursday and maybe just do upper body at the gym on Friday. That way I'll be ready to go for Saturday. I'm kind of annoyed at how early they request people to be there. I think I'll have to leave around 6am. I'm not a morning person, so that sucks. The nice part is that I won't be there all day. I'm really excited for the medal - it's a panda bear. I'm all about medals!
Can't wait to add this baby to my collection!
 It's funny that as I was getting ready for my run, I felt as antsy and nervous as I used to before setting out on my 20k+ runs. I guess it's all about perspective. I used to run 8k and then go to a pilates class on weekdays. Then I moved cities, wasn't close to my favourite pilates class (which was now about 45 minutes away) and wasn't familiar with the area. I joined a running room group which definitely amped up my running but now I'm back to running (mostly) solo and slowly finding my groove. I loved running in my parent's neighbourhood and that made it easy. Where I live now is basically just hills and inclines, stoplights, highways and crazy drivers. Another score for moving! I'm glad that I'm starting to enjoy running again, because there's nothing quite like getting out there and running to sort out your mind. I'm trying to register for more races to keep me motivated as well. Nothing like my own money on the line to keep me going :)

Oh and my Monday crockpot meal turned out great! I was worried that the potatoes would go gross overnight, but they didn't (maybe the olive oil helped?) and aside from not setting the warming function properly, it worked out perfectly!  Now I'm just paranoid that when I set it today, I set it for 8 hours on high. I hope not. Might have some scorched chili to content with. My goal is to use the crockpot twice a week for dinners. Seems manageable and definitely makes evenings easier! Tonight we have Rosh Hashanah dinner, so I didn't actually need to cook, but I figured I can freeze some and use the other half for lunches.
Well, that's all for now. I'll be back Friday for some of my favourite things!

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