Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Back to school, back to fall

Yesterday was the first day of school for many and Fall has definitely been in the air. There's still something magical about the back to school feeling and the way the air smells.
So even though I'm not "back to school" I can still enjoy my own September-based nostalgia.
The weekend was a busy one for sure. We saw lots of friends and family and had some great times. One of my friends really outdid herself with an amazing BBQ - the food was unreal. She's one of the few people who can make pinterest-inspired food actually turn out the way its intended. So delish!
Everything was gluten free, including the croutons on the salad. Homemade croutons!

We also did some more packing and storage. I'm always amazed at how much I can fit into my little car. The hatchback is ugly but it definitely has more space (I only got a hatchback so my bike would fit - priorities!)
My dad is coming over next weekend to help with the finishing touches and then we should be ready to go. It's just small stuff now - we've finally got the bulk of the stuff out. I set up the second bedroom bed yesterday and you can't even tell that it's an air mattress instead of a real one. Just need to steam those curtains out now and add some bulk. Our windows are just ridiculously wide -- I don't understand who thought those were a good idea. So standard curtains just looks sad and sparse (as you can see). I'm going to buy sheer panels to add in the middle and it should look nice and full. I have hope that one day I will have a week where I do not have to go to bed bath and beyond and curtains and packing are only a distant memory.

Yesterday was go-go-go with a day full of meetings, a new haircut and colour (bye bye greys) and dinner with a friend who is going to be several hours away for a few weeks. It was also a day where I didn't have time for a workout and I ate two meals out (ick! Always try to avoid that). Tonight I have a run on the schedule and tomorrow the gym. The weather is cooling down enough that I'm willing to consider hot yoga again, but I just don't like the location I'm at right now. Unfortunately, my whole reasoning behind my membership was the fact that I was getting the gym, pool and hot yoga in one membership for less than I was paying for all three separate. Sigh. I'll have to suffer in silence for now #firstworldproblems
My last open water swim was this past Saturday and IT.WAS.COLD! We have been fortunate to have lovely water temperatures this whole season, but Saturday it was windy and the water was freezing and wavy. Every time I lifted my face to breath, I got a mouthful of water. So gross. While I was standing outside, freezing my butt off and trying to wiggle into my wetsuit, I definitely wondered why I do this to myself. Of course, afterwards it's a different story. It's true what they say about the only workout you'll ever regret is the one you didn't do. So I'm glad I went, cold as it was. Oddly enough, I stopped dreading the OWS after the breathing thing was sorted and actually enjoyed myself. I'm sure next season will start with some anxiety around getting back into the open water, but who knows, maybe I'll surprise myself after swimming all fall and winter. Now it's time to patch up all the holes I put in my wetsuit this year and pack it away for next year. Now husband can stop complaining about finding it in the shower. Unfortunately the goggles and swimcaps in the sink aren't going anywhere anytime soon ;)

It's the perfect time of year for running, so I'm really looking forward to tonight. I'm feeling a slight burning in my throat so hopefully I'm not getting sick.

Hope all of your Wednesdays were splendid! The weekend is almost upon us again!

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